WANDERLUST (n): a strong desire to travel and explore the world
If you have a bad case of wanderlust today, we have good news: it’s time for another edition of the Great LINGUIST Treasure Hunt! This game involves traveling the (virtual) globe and testing your linguistics wits. The winner will receive a sweet prize, so don’t miss out!
To play, you’ll need to go to GeoLing (http://geoling.linguistlist.org/). To find the buttons you’ll need to navigate the globe, click on the menu button in the upper left hand corner. You can select and unselect Local Events, Jobs, Conferences, and more to view them on the map. Game clues will be found in different locations on different kinds of pins.
To get you started, here’s your first clue:
Today’s featured linguist Fabiola Henri’s research interests were greatly influenced by her childhood experiences. Travel to her home country for your next clue…
Bon voyage, bon vwayaj, and boa viaji—may the best linguist win!
-Your LL Team